PALOMAR.Trame Digitali
Premio Federico Maggia, honorable mention | Biella, 2015
The Italian/French firm abacO in collaboration with the light artist Dorian Rigal designed Palomar, a spatial device that encapsulates both past memories and what the future might hold. Suspended in a charismatic underground room of an old renowned industrial building, Palomar won the honorable mention at the Premio Federico Maggia 2015, a Prize for young Italian architects. The installation will stay open until the 27th of November at the Lanificio Sella in the city of Biella (Turin).
abacO created an architectural device which acts as a space-time bridge between past and future. This gesture serves to evoke the important industrial memory of the site by hacking it and projecting it in a new dimension.
Palomar is a large sphere, which symbolically conceal all the complexity and deepness of the world. It is made of customized polypropylene modules designed and assembled using innovative digital fabrication techniques. Each one of its modules has a different biologically inspired texture in continuity with the adjacent ones.
This sphere acts as a host for both a digital and poetic dimension. Thanks to the photographic archive of the Sella Foundation, the device tells the stories and highlights the talent of some of the finest alpinist-photographers through a continuous travel between tradition and innovation, reflection and exploration.
abacO, through its work between space, technology and art aims to question our consciousness and inner self by question the concepts of intimacy and doubt by bring us on a journey through unseen territories. This multidimensional approach is born out of the complex combination of geometry, light, video and sound. The content of the projected video also features an inspiring research on fractals by Dorian Rigal.